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Industry Insights

How Coaching Could Have Made Me a Better Leader
How Coaching Could Have Made Me a Better Leader

By Giles Pearson on Feb 01, 2023

Last summer I listened to a podcast on the AFO Wealth Management series where Amber Setter was interviewed. Amber is the Chief Enlightenment Officer for Conscious Public Accountants - a professional coaching firm that teaches accountants how to grow their careers without losing their souls. The team was carefully curated with the accounting profession in mind. 

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Dealing With Stress Managing Accounting Teams
Dealing With Stress Managing Accounting Teams

By Emily Le Grys on Dec 20, 2022

From developing your team to making your own tough decisions, being a manager naturally comes with a lot of stress. The days when you can sit back and relax are rare. Instead, you may find yourself rushing from one project to the next, sometimes working with employees who are unpleasant, unmotivated, or disengaged. Here’s how you can deal with all the stress and keep your career and your life on track.

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What Does A Bad Hire Cost Your Accounting Firm
What Does A Bad Hire Cost Your Accounting Firm

By Emily Le Grys on Dec 20, 2022

Giles Pearson, Director here at Accountests, explains how important it is to get the hiring process right the first time, and introduces the new Bad Hire Calculator tool, available now on our website. Use the calculator to work out exactly how costly it can be to your business to fix the issue of hiring the wrong candidate.

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Put Some Science In Accountants Personal Development Plans
Put Some Science In Accountants Personal Development Plans

By Emily Le Grys on Sep 14, 2022

How’s that personal development plan for your bright young star going? Tough isn’t it? What about the one for the team member who thinks they should be promoted faster than is justified by their performance. Ouch! How about an accountants specific personality profile that comes complete with a personal development plan roadmap? Sound good?

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Staff Shortages Causing Unmanageable Workloads for a Third of Workers
Staff Shortages Causing Unmanageable Workloads for a Third of Workers

By Emily Le Grys on Aug 07, 2022

The knock-on effects of unfilled vacancies on existing staff were largely expected by employers, but in reality are alarming. Shorten the time to hire new staff to avoid losing candidates to competing job offers and increase the wellbeing services offered to staff. Accountests can assist in shortening the time to hire new staff with our ‘hire fast - with confidence’ techniques for getting you ahead of candidates competing jobs offers.

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Employers Need to Make Peace with High Accountant Turnover
Employers Need to Make Peace with High Accountant Turnover

By Emily Le Grys on Jul 18, 2022

A recent UK survey of senior HR people revealed that whilst 53% of them ranked talent shortages as the biggest threat to their businesses continuity, only 19% felt they were ready to face the challenges of acute staff turnover and candidate scarcity. 

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Who Should Your Accounting Firm Hire Next?
Who Should Your Accounting Firm Hire Next?

By Emily Le Grys on Jul 12, 2022

Ryan concludes that accounting firms should treat new hires like any other investment decision – what is the ROI, especially in terms of the tasks this new person will be able to take off the firm owner.  This will likely sway decision making more towards hiring senior rather junior than might otherwise have been the case. Taking the strategic view might result in a different decision than initially considered.

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Making The Most of Video Interviews for Accountants
Making The Most of Video Interviews for Accountants

By Emily Le Grys on Jun 21, 2022

When used effectively, phone-interviews bring all the benefits of identifying the best candidate for the role, without the current risks and expense of bringing candidates in from all over and organizing the resources to accommodate interviews and candidates.  However, they also bring the considerable risk of missing out on great candidates when run ineffectively.

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Time to Revisit Transparent Interviews?
Time to Revisit Transparent Interviews?

By Emily Le Grys on Jun 15, 2022

In our continued world of candidate scarcity, I and most of my clients are regularly reviewing selection/vetting processes to ensure they are as effective as possible in screening candidates, which led me to revisit the Transparent Interview. Soft substitute for ‘real’ interviews, or fair and reliable way of consistently measuring a candidate’s performance?

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Businesses Regret Half of New Hires
Businesses Regret Half of New Hires

By Emily Le Grys on May 17, 2022

International recruitment consultancy Robert Half reported that 46% of the businesses surveyed to develop a recently released report had made a bad hire in the past 12 months, with small businesses feeling the greatest impact.

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How to Hire a Bookkeeper - 3 Tips
How to Hire a Bookkeeper - 3 Tips

By Emily Le Grys on May 10, 2022

A good education and an outstanding performance during interview does not equate to a high performing individual. In order to gauge a candidate’s abilities, you need meaningful data. The following three tips will help to keep your recruitment process focused on the data that matters, reduce the effects of bias, and uncover each candidate’s true capabilities.

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Assessing Accounting Firm Candidate Commitment
Assessing Accounting Firm Candidate Commitment

By Emily Le Grys on Apr 26, 2022

We’ve recently been hearing more and more about the topic of “candidate commitment” from clients who are dealing with candidates pulling out of final-stage selection processes. You know who I mean; the candidates that seem really interested in a role, say all of the right things and then at the last moment, when you offer them the job, they decide they’re not interested. 

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