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Escaping the Accountants Trap

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Thanks for tuning into Escaping the Accountants Trap podcast!


If you're wondering how Accountests can further support you in your next accounting or bookkeeping hire, look no further! Here are a number of resources to help you hire fast, with confidence.


Pointer     For a deep dive into the perfect hiring roadmap check out our Hire Fast With Confidence eBook. 40 pages of comprehensive guidance, along with templates and resources, to make the most out of your hiring process.


Pointer     If you're ready to trial a test, either yourself or for a candidate, request a free trial.

Pointer     Still not sure which test is best for the role you're looking to hire? Check out the Which Test Table to determine the right fit based on the job description.

Pointer     If you're already convinced of the benefits that skills and personality testing can bring to your hiring process, check out Accountests Credits. Credits allow you to lock in half priced testing when buying ahead of time. For example, $1,000 worth of testing for only $500 - but this is only open for a short time - will finish October 27th.

Pointer    Enjoy a discount as a thanks for listening in - use the discount code CFOPRO50 to receive 50% off your first purchase.

Pointer     And finally, for a little bit of fun, if you've not tried it already, why not test your own skills with the Accountests Challenge. 5 quick-fire questions to test your knowledge. You can also challenge your colleagues to beat your score!


Our friendly staff are on hand to support you. Simply email us at

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